The Fabulous Family

love is what can make me feel comfortable n safe.. love from family is what makes me rely on as a good daughter n sister until today and forever...fuhhh..good yehhh..ahaksss..i'm good enough for them i think..hehe...

well, my purpose for this entry is to stress on my fabuloUs family i've ever had..*wink2... gonna story one by one  .... here they are...

jeng jeng jenggggg....

tadaaaaaa...they are my heart & soul, my mama n abah... sgt3 lah bngga mnjd anak gadis abah n mama yg sorg jer...hehehehehe...erm btw...

abah got his own style to show his love...not with words as he is known as a man with a few words... his actions are speak louder than words...sooo..i know u love me..ahakkk...n i lob lob u too

mama pulakkkk...wahhhh...she is da most gigih lady in my whole entire life...built her own empire world of business...n do share it with me.. so rugi lah kalo jd sorg anak yg tak reti nk grab da chances kan kan kannn..she's sooo lovely n sportim..kalo xcaya, ask my friend yg knl mama..kuikuikuiii...

until death do us apart.. mama & abah, i love u guys damnnnn muchhh!!! i move to my only brother..ini dia org nya..sila lihat betol2...

ngeh2...lihat gmbr ni like a lil bit koya/poyo kan kan *kalo dia bca msti dia kata sy jelez..ohh no wayy...huahuahua..*sory derr.. ermm ni la dia a doctor to be in our family...seorg yg gigih jgk dlm bljr... dan seorg yg seperti hilng arah hidop bila dia xngadap buku nya..hahahahahha...cth yg terbaik nya ialah sgt suka mgngu gugat ketenteraman adik2 dan manusia2 yg ada dlm rmh tuuu..hishhhh... apa2 pon, u are my only and the best brother i had! love u much

now is the turn for two heros malaya dlm kluarga kami...tak der la hero ok la skadar ambik hati adik2 kan...hehehehhh... *hishhh susahnya la nk cri gmbr mreka berdua nih..mklum lah yg gila ngn camera dlm kluarga kami hnya sy ngn abg jer..ngeh3...

okehhh jupe dahhh...but but OMG!! ada insan lain di tgh2's ok lah sbb mmg ssh gler nk jpe gmbr bdk dua org lah 2 hero malaya tuh..huahuahaua...yg kiri nama syahir yg kanan namanya syahmi...sorg bru abis spm n sorg lg upsr this year...dan sy la yg jd guru xbertauliah utk budak kecik nih..ermm eh eh..xd kecik mana..cikgu lg kecik dr anak murid ..hahahah...apa2 pon..kakak syg adik2 smua...hihi..

tp opsss...nk smbng sikit kesah si anak murid yg melampau nih...kenapa sy kata dia mlpaui batas?? sbb sbb sbb nyaaaaaa...tgk nih!!

huaaaaaa..mentang2 sy cikgu dia...he wrote my name with PN for my title!! PN stands for PUAN ye adik2...hahahahahahhaa...mmg sy jerit kt dia dan bertnya, "bila masa kakak kawen???" hahaha..itulah dia cikgu nya yg sgt berwibawa...Pn. Syamimi Bt. Saifudin...hahahaha..yelah puan pon puan lahh...kahkahkahkahh...

apa2 jela adik2 ku...

and last but not least...sape lg yg trtinggl dlm ahli keluarga nii..of kos la tuan puteri yg sorg niii..hishhh..mana bley tinggl...nk jgk mencari publisiti kt entry nih kan..hehehehee....

cakkkkk aaaa...

hi,,saya mimi  =D
time ni tgh makan eskremm kt pool side hotel renaisannce kb...celebrated bday mama wif pool side bbq dinner...pergghhhh sgt cunn lah..hakhakkk...


saya syg keluarga saya lalalallaalla...

that's all for this entry... much love!!


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Anonymous said...

hye awakkk :) takda chatbox la so sy comment kat sini ja la :)

saya mimi said...

hiiiiiiii..yup2 xd chatbox lg..nnt la nk ltk..hihi

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